Isolating Times
Unfortunately difficult times are upon us all. Needing to isolate ourselves away from the wider community is necessary, but a difficult and challenging time for most.
Not least because of the worry of what is around the corner for yourself, and the immediate family that you live with, but also the thought of not being able to see other older relatives. For these elderly relatives, there is the very serious issue of isolation and the worry attached with this and a host of other issues surrounding the spread of COVID19. For those who see the local pool, or gym as a life essential, then this is indeed going to be a very hard time. Now, more than ever, we need to stay active, keep our strength up for both our physical and mental state.
At LiveLife Health & Fitness, what we can offer is some tips and advice on home workouts, and the equipment (or lack of) that is required. In another recent blog entitled, “Exercising Whilst on Holiday” I gave some tips on how to exercise whilst away, and indeed most of what was discussed holds true for this situation as well.
Unlike a holiday however, our freedom has pretty much been stripped away, and so instead of endless beaches, or mountainous trails, we essentially have your home, and hopefully weather permitting your back/front garden. However, the good news is, that this space is more than adequate. From the smallest flat, to the mightiest mansion, space will not be an issue. It is what you do in this space that really counts, and can keep you healthy, in shape and mentally on top of the situation.
For the most part, we shall focus on staying healthy and in shape. Lets face it, there is going to be quite a lot of sofa surfing involved in the next few months. Those box sets we have all saved up, are not going to watch themselves, and it really just stands to reason that we are not going to be as active, as if normal everyday life was prevailing. It can also be seen that maybe, just maybe, poorer dietary choices may creep in. Hopefully not, but let's not kid ourselves that this may not be a stress inducing time, and we are all prone to comfort eating. What we require is balance, especially if not all our choices are healthy (and they will not be!). So what can be done to counteract those piling up calories…………… well lots as it happens!
Let's tackle the equipment required. Your greatest asset will always be you. You are your own weight. We can call these calisthenics, basically using body weight to perform exercises, with little to no equipment required. There is a whole range of exercises that can be incorporated into this group and different ways of performing them in a workout.
Examples are:
Press/Push up
Lunge (side, forward, reverse)
Pull up
Sit up
Tricep dip
Calf raise
Star Jumps
Mountain climbers
A combination of such exercises to cover the targeted areas to be worked, can be sorted into a circuit for both strength and cardio for an effective workout. A combination can also be used for a great HIIT workout.
You may have kit in your house. The dumbbell used as a doorstop, or some kit with a healthy covering of dust in the garage or attic. These can be added to the above exercises and many more to add some further resistance and thus difficulty. This is also where we can get creative if you have no equipment. Cans from the kitchen cupboard for dumbbells, water bottles of various sizes can be filled with water. Stairs and chairs can be used to add both a degree of difficulty or easiness to various moves. A push up can be inclined (easy) or declined (more difficult). A step can be used for a calf raise and step ups.
With a bit of added weight, we can incorporate two exercises into one, for a more complex move, using more muscles and thus burning more calories, such as:
Squat and bicep curl
Squat and shoulder press
Lunge and tricep kick back
Step up and bicep curl
If it is safe and possible to get out, then there are a few options available to all. Walking your local streets is accessible for all. Staying cooped up in the confines of your home will turn us all stir crazy. Mental health can deteriorate and the fresh air and exercise will be of great benefit. If near the countryside, then the fields are likely to be even more deserted.
Staying active does not just need to conform to the traditional realms of what we consider exercise. Now that better weather is upon us, get in your garden and get pulling those weeds out, preparing the vegetable and flower beds. Sowing some seeds, pushing around the lawn mower, and cutting the hedges. Have your garden resembling something that would put Capability Brown to shame in the coming months!! Do some DIY that you have been putting off in the home, and get those projects done, that have been on the backburner for more than a while.
To help with the mind, then keep a diary, do a daily crossword, and take 5 minutes a day to stay in contact, and write some texts or emails to friends. Breathing exercises such as the 345 ( breathe in for three seconds, hold for four, and then breathe out for 5 seconds), can help relieve stress.
Now the kids are at home, it is important for some “you” time, in the frantic days of homeschooling, whilst working from home. So take time out and do something you find helps with your mental and physical side, and is enjoyable. But this is also a great time to get the whole family involved in fitness, whether it is a workout, or gardening etc. Each to their own!
Listen to government advice and stay in as much as possible, but we can all continue to LiveLife with a few tweaks, and keep ourselves active and healthy. Stay safe, and help to protect the NHS.
Ben Beale is a mobile Personal Trainer living In Paulton, who travels out to clients in the surrounding towns and villages, and cities of Bath and Bristol.